Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bear another's burdens

What does it mean to "bear another's burden?" Giving them a heartfelt, "You're in our thoughts and prayers?" That's certainly not a bad thing. But to truly help bear another's burdens, we need to actually do some lifting. We need to understand the nature of the burden (if such information is volunteered) and be willing to get our hands dirty. It might be as simple as listening patiently and without judgement to what it is they are going through. Or we may be prompted to give of our time, talents, or substance. Whatever the case, let love be our motivation, and let us give even when it is difficult. After all, Christ did the same for us.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Present Chastening

For a friend. Happy Birthday! :-)
"No pain, no gain," they say. I don't know if that's always true. But it's certainly true that the trials we face during mortality, while difficult and even painful in the moment, will always yield good fruit if endured well. Whatever trial you may be suffering, it may seem grievous at the present moment. But if endured, it will cause you to become stronger through increased in resilience to temptation.