Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mourn and Comfort

Followers of Christ have pledged to serve others. That includes bearing their burdens, visiting them in times of sickness or loneliness, providing for their physical and spiritual needs, and in short, loving them as Jesus would love them. Perhaps one of the more difficult things we've been asked to do is to mourn with those that mourn. We'd much rather try to cheer someone up than watch them be sad and even partake of their sadness. However, this is often what is most helpful to one who is struggling emotionally.

Consider the story of the raising of Lazarus. As always, Jesus is the perfect example for us. Even though He knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, He wept with those who were grieving (see John 11:33, 35). When we encounter those who are sad, even if we believe the cause of their sadness to be trivial or short-lived, we should acknowledge their feelings and allow them to express those feelings, even if seeing their pain causes us to feel pain ourselves. When we do so, we are, in a small way, emulating our Savior who took upon Himself our own pains.

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